Florida’s Premiere Youth Shotgun Shooting Sports Program
For youth from fifth grade all the way through college.
“Shooting teams provide wonderful opportunities for students to make friends, to develop confidence, to learn discipline and leadership skills, just like other sports.” Larry Potterfield; MidwayUSA Foundation Founder
2024 Florida State Championship
Florida YESS is excited to announce the 2024 Florida State Championship!
FishHawk Sporting Clays
13505 Hobson Simmons Road
Lithia, FL 33547
(813) 689-0490
USAYESS is a non-profit organization and the nation’s premier and only all-inclusive youth program which introduces, grows, supports, and educates youth, and their families on firearm safety, shooting sports, and wildlife conservation and habitat.
Gun Safety
Shooting Tips
Gun Fit is one of the most important aspects of shotgunning; it improves accuracy and comfort. Most shotguns are built for the average male. Even though manufacturers are starting to manufacture both youth and women’s models, odds are most people start with equipment that does not fit them. A gun that doesn’t fit causes misses, and will most likely hurt after a while. The result will be frustration and possibly not fun and the person will give up on the game.
So here is a video on gun fit by Don Currie that might help in understanding what Gun Fit means.
Some other areas of gun fit are adjustable comb and butt-plate.
The comb is the top of the stock; some guns come with an adjustable comb or a gunsmith might be able to put on. Our friends at Graco Corporation can help with this. An adjustable comb can be adjusted up, left, or right. In gunsmith terms, the left or right is referred to as cast-on or cast-off.
The other area is the butt-plate. This is the end of the stack that rests on the shoulder. There are several different kinds of butt plates. Our friends at KICK-EEZ have a butt plate that will fit your gun. A butt-plate should adjust up, down, and swivel (cant). Cant is very important for women due to upper body muscles.
For more tips, visit us on Facebook.
Gil Ash of OSP Shooting School shows us the ins and outs of breaking clays. Take this knowledge to the range and start breaking more clays!

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