About Us
FLYESS is proud to be the state affiliate of USAYESS, one of the fastest-growing youth shooting organizations in the country. USAYESS helps states obtain funding for statewide youth shooting programs
USAYESS is a non-profit organization and the nation’s premier and only all-inclusive youth program which introduces, grows, supports, and educates youth, and their families on firearm safety, shooting sports, and wildlife conservation and habitat.
Our Mission
USA YOUTH EDUCATION in SHOOTING SPORTS (USAYESS) exists to develop, grow, and support state foundations and associations that use hands-on events, shooting sports, wildlife habitat, and conservation programs and introduce and educate youth and their families about safe firearm handling, shooting sports, and outdoor conservation and other outdoor activities.
USA Youth Education in Shooting Sports is dedicated to educating youth about outdoor activities primarily through partnerships with Key Conservation Groups as well as local, state, regional, and national competitive youth shooting organizations. Establishing state governance allows each state to grow and adjust its program as it sees fit. Our data has shown that boots on the ground do a much better job in implementing and growing their program.
Philosophy and Values
Today’s youth are the caretakers of the future. Therefore, young adults and their families must be exposed to and develop an understanding of responsibility to the outdoors. USAYESS provides events that showcase the safety of equipment, and outdoor activities in a fun-filled atmosphere. USAYESS will ensure the transformation and educational potential of student-athletes with opportunities to practice and compete on a level playing field, and we are committed that those athletic opportunities involve new skills, developing individual goals, planning, potential, and fostering an appreciation of collaboration and teamwork in the competitive arena of athletics. Our member athletes are students first, and foremost.
The well-being of our student-athletes is first and foremost. USAYESS strives to develop programs and events that encourage boys and girls to develop camaraderie, practice habits of mind and body that encourage healthy living, and learn valuable life lessons. Every member will strive for excellence in all programs and events; however, we recognize that an excessive emphasis on winning can corrupt true learning and academic values. USAYESS believes that both victory and defeat teach valuable life lessons.
Athletes are students first and athletes second. We hope that athletic competition and outdoor activities foster respect for others, sportsmanship, competition, teamwork, perseverance, and leadership. The priority of our program is to develop young men and women of character who are transformed by their experience in athletic competition and outdoor activities and then transfer the lessons they learned to lives of service to others and their community.
Click here for the USAYESS Organization Chart
As the nation’s leader in youth marksmanship safety, protecting our youth is our number one priority. Therefore, all adults must go through an annual background check and an online Athlete Protection Training course.
NEW…Parents are also able to go through the online APT online course as well and are encouraged to do so. The APT online course is available to any adult, members of USAYESS or not and may be accessed in our Resources section.
Benefits of being a USAYESS Member
USAYESS is not just the premier organization but also the leader in several aspects of youth shooting sports; here are a few reasons why and what sets USAYESS apart from other youth programs such as ours:
USAYESS is the nation’s premier and only all-inclusive youth outdoor and shooting program.
USAYESS is the only youth organization that helps establish, support, and recognize state 501 c (3) affiliate organizations. This allows for statewide support of all youth outdoor and shooting programs without bias towards any one specific organization. By doing so, in partnership with Larry and Brenda Potterfield, MidwayUSA Foundation, and ACUI, USAYESS has helped teams get more funding than any other youth program in the country. USAYESS has funded such teams as SCTP teams, AIM teams, FFA teams, 4-H teams, USA High School Clay Target League teams, and many others.
USAYESS has the most comprehensive liability insurance program of any other youth shooting organization in the nation.
USAYESS has led the nation not only with the best liability insurance but also with the most advanced athlete protection education program of any other youth marksmanship program in the country.
USAYESS actively partners with ACUI to offer a collegiate component to our program. ACUI has organized the collegiate clay target program for over 50 years.
Youth programs are at no cost to the learning institution. The teams raise their endowment accounts, and their operating budget and have their insurance.
USAYESS offers training and assistance to coaches and parents for coach certification, fundraising, and team growth. Including the USAYESS Level l Shotgun Safety Certification, USAYESS Level II Coaching the Coach Certification, and Level III Shotgun Coach Certification. Certifications are in American Skeet, Sporting Clays, American Trap, International Skeet, and International Trap.
USAYESS recognizes, and supports state affiliates with marketing, and promotional material and has an open-door policy.
USAYESS is the nation’s only youth organization which allows all youth teams and individuals belonging to any youth organization which have a competitive shooting program, to participate in all USAYESS local, state, regional, and national events. No one is forced to join USAYESS or any other national governing body.
USAYESS helps any team with setting up their endowment accounts, getting their EIN, and more.
For states to grow their programs more efficiently, and effectively, USAYESS state affiliates are encouraged to operate independently of the national organization.
Parental courses, online store discounts, event entry fee discounts, industry discounts, and more.
State Affiliates are invited to the annual USAYESS State Association Phone Conference.
USAYESS offers free recruitment, and marketing material and press releases to its state partners.
High Schools and club teams are strongly encouraged to offer varsity letters and include the school’s team picture in their yearbook for athletes competing in clay target sports.
USAYESS has a long-standing partnership with key conservation groups such as the: Wild Sheep Foundation, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Mule Deer Foundation, and National Wild Turkey Federation. All of which help support local teams through their ‘Adopt A Team’ programs.
USAYESS uses iClays, the nation’s top clay target scoring program for our regional and national championships. This program broadcasts our regional and national events live worldwide. States may elect to use this program as well. The registration system is designed by the coaches themselves and is user-friendly.
USAYESS is the nation’s only youth marksmanship program that supplies states with their custom state-of-the-art website. This allows the states to have their custom web page and share news, manage their teams, event dates, scores, and pictures, teams get to have their web pages, and more.
State administrators get their own email addresses and business cards should they request them.
USAYESS has two national advisory committee phone conferences every year.
USAYESS also has two national youth advisory committee phone conferences led by two youth from each state. This committee reports to the national committee.
and much more…
The Code for Living
Life Principles Learned Through Sports
Because I am a role model and have the opportunity and responsibility to make a difference in the lives of others, I commit to this Code. I will take responsibility and appropriate actions when I fail to live up to it.
As an individual:
I will develop my skills to the best of my ability and give my best effort in practice and competition.
I will compete within the spirit and letter of the rules of my sport.
I will respect the dignity of every human being, and will not be abusive or dehumanizing of another either as an athlete or as a fan.
As a member of a team:
I will place team goals ahead of personal goals.
I will be a positive influence on the relationships on the team.
I will follow the team rules established by the coach.
As a member of society:
I will display caring and honorable behavior off the field and be a positive influence in my community and world.
I will give my time, skills, and money as I am able for the betterment of my community and world.

Florida Youth Education in Shooting Sports
Director -Jennifer Horsley – Jennifer@flyess.org
President – Dennis Diaz – FLYESS@usayess.org
Team Contacts:
Fishhawk Talons:
Chad Pallok – fishhawktalons@gmail.com