Florida Teams
Definition of a Team:
Must be a well-organized and reputable educational (training) organization for primarily grade school-age youth (athletes).
The team must have a competent and responsible insured coach, instructor, or adult leader.
Must always have two or more active athletes.
There must be intent and effort towards sustainability. The team is expected to grow and/or remain active into the foreseeable future through a perpetual cycle of youth shooters and adult volunteers.
Ready to start a team?

This year, we are offering a match to youth shooting teams with a MidwayUSA Foundation Team Endowment. Thanks to our generous donors, Larry and Brenda Potterfield, we have added millions to our shooting team’s endowments through a donation matching program. In 2023, we will be matching donations 1:1. Every shooting team that receives a donation or contributes to their MidwayUSA Foundation Team Endowment will earn a match. Matching dollars will be allocated the following month of the donation. Follow our Latest News Blog to be the first to know when donations are matched!
Here are ways to take advantage of the donation match.
- Conduct fundraisers like a bake sale, car wash or charity shoot & donate the proceeds to your team endowment
- Ask friends and family to give directly to your team through our website
- Request FREE fundraising products, like guns, optics, or knives, from the MidwayUSA Foundation & use them to conduct a fundraiser
- Find a generous donor with a passion for youth shooting sports to donate to your team
- Seek out a partner organization near you and fundraise together
- Have supporters participate in our online auctions, winning bids to support the endowment of their choice
- Watch for upcoming Foundation fundraising events that offer ways to win endowment dollars
The MidwayUSA Foundation is here to help youth shooting teams grow their endowment to ensure funding for the life of the team. The donation matching program is an excellent tool to assist that growth. Online donations can be made to every youth shooting team in our Team Endowment Program. Donations made through our website are safe, secure, and simple. Also, Larry and Brenda Potterfield cover all of our operating expenses, so 100% of every donation benefits the shooting team of the donor’s choice. You can also use our check donation form to donate to a Team Endowment.

Seek a local gun club.
You can find gun clubs by going to; www.claytargetsonline.com or contacting Jennifer Horsley – at Jennifer@flyess.org
Meet with the gun club’s board and ask if they would allow your team to:
- Practice at their facility
- Host events
Write down the team’s goals and implement a plan. The plan should include who will be the team’s president, secretary, treasurer, and historian (photographer/marketing/website). Implement a marketing plan; social media, and promote through your Florida YESS website.
Meet with the parents to seek their approval and support.
Find a head coach.
The coach must be an adult at least 21 years of age b. The coach may be a parent, friend, gun club member, Hunter Ed instructor, or school staff.
What the cost will be per round? A round is 25 targets in Skeet, 5-stand, and Trap. 100 rounds Sporting Clays
Next, set up a meeting with the athletes, and parents.
Start a FREE MidwayUSA endowment account with the MidwayUSA Foundation. These accounts allow teams to become self-sufficient and ensure longevity. No 501 c (3) nonprofit is needed to start a team or receive funding from MidwayUSA Foundation or USAYESS. www.midwayusafoundation.org
The team will have the nation’s best youth sports insurance by registering with USAYESS.
Host an informational meeting with the new team.
- Talk about the benefits of the program.
- Explain costs – usually about $250.00 for a ten-week league (season). Shells are about $22.00 for a box of 25/20 gauge.
- The cost includes joining USA Youth Education in Shooting Sports (USAYESS) By individually joining USAYESS each team member is insured. Each team member (Head Coach, Volunteer & Athlete) joins individually for $45 each.
- All Adults go through a yearly Back Ground Check which is included in the $45 registration fee.
- Anyone can join the club; boy or girl regardless of skill level
- There is no benching, everyone participates equally
- To be a legal competitive squad a team must have at least five athletes in the same division. Five athletes from different divisions are considered a ‘Mixed Squad’, and do not qualify for Squad Awards.
- There is no limit to the number of athletes or squads a team may field.
- Athletes can compete as individuals, squads, and teams. There are five divisions:
- Novice: 5th grade and below (depending on maturity)
- Intermediate: 6th – 8th grade
- Junior Varsity: 9th grade or first time shooting in high school.
- Senior: 10th – 12th grade
- College-Trade School
- Next, set up practice dates and times.
- Post practices, events, and news on the Florida YESS website and any other social media.
Okay, assuming you are going to move forward. You will need
- A team checking account.
- The account must be in the team’s name and have an EIN. The EIN is free. The reason for this EIN is so that the head coach or whoever sets up the account does not need to worry about personal taxes at this account. The only reason they ask for personal information is so that they verify legal citizenship. So, go to: www.irs.gov/Businesses/Small-Businesses-%26-SelfEmployed/Apply-for-an-Employer-Identification-Number-(EIN)-Online.
- You may also need a set of Articles and By-Laws for the team. These can be downloaded from the USAYESS website.
- The final step is to register your team with the state’s Secretary of State as a non-profit corporation. This might cost anywhere from $25 to $250. Most states charge $25-$30. This is all handled online and only takes a few minutes. Again, you don’t need to do this right away. But you will need to if you’re going to open a bank account or will be seeking donations.
Do you have questions, please feel free to contact:
Jennifer Horsley – Florida YESS Director at Jennifer@flyess.org.

All FLYESS and USAYESS tournaments are open to any youth organization that has a competitive shooting program, high school league, or club teams, as well as individual youths in elementary through high school. Simply register for a tournament and show up. Everyone is welcome though discounts for FLYESS/USAYESS members may apply.
Members are encouraged to participate in national shooting organizations but FLYESS and USAYESS do not. Membership in NSCA, NSSA, ATA, P.I.T.A, and others is not required to participate in any of our state, regional or national events.